Caroline LeBlanc
Caroline LeBlanc was born in Massachusetts to parents descended from Acadian and Quebec French Canadians ancestors. Since their marriage 55 years ago, she and her husband have lived in seven states and the former US protectorate of Okinawa (now Japan). This has broadened her world view greatly. Twelve years ago they landed her in New Mexico. An Army Nurse veteran herself, she has also been an Army wife and mother who waited at home during many of her family members’ combat deployments. After thirty years as a nurse, nurse educator, and nurse psychotherapist she closed her practice to explore her interests in art and writing. In 2011 Spalding University awarded her an MFA in Creative Writing. Her poetry and essays have been published internationally, in print and online. She was the inaugural writer in residence for the Museum of the American Military Family, and a founding member of the Apronista collective of women artists. Since moving to Albuquerque she has curated several art shows at community galleries. Her own art has been in many group shows in NM and around the US. It also graces the walls of Mountain Gate Zen Center in Ojo Sarco, NM where she co-leads retreats for women veterans. Years of study and leadership training in Jungian work—through Journey Into Wholeness (Annette&Jim Cullipher) and BodySoulRhythms© (Marion Woodman, et al)—continue to influence her life, her writing and her art. Currently she studies Haiku in an online Masterclass with Clark Strand.